Table 14.1 IStructE Manual - Bolts - Spacing and edge distances

Minimum distances based on hole diameter
End and edge distance e1 ,        2.0∙do where do is = hole diameter
Minimum end distance e1 , (with reduced bearing capacity)        1.2∙do where do is = hole diameter       
Minimum edge distance – right angles to load (e2)        1.5∙do       

Maximum end and edge distances
In any environment        > 12∙t or 150mm       
When exposed to weather or corrosion        40mm + 4∙t       

Spacings between Bolts
In direction of load (p1) (Recommended)        3.5∙do       
In direction of load (p1) (Minimum spacing)        2.2∙do       
rows of fasteners (p2) (Recommended)        3.0∙do       

Maximum spacing
In compression elements and outer row tension elements        14∙t or 200mm       
Inner row tension elements        28∙t or 400mm       

Note: t is the minimum thickness of the connected parts.
IStructE EC3 (Steel) Design Manual

Design resistance for bolts

fub        is the strength of the bolt
fu         is the strength of the element
Fv,Sd     is the actual shear force on the bolt
Ft,Sd     is the actual tensile force on the bolt
As        is the tensile stress area of the bolt
d          is the diameter of the bolt
γMb      is the partial factor = 1.35

Shear resistance per shear plane
grades 4.6 & 8.8 ,    FvRd = 0.6∙FubAs / γMb
grades         10.9 ,    FvRd = 0.5∙FubAs / γMb

when a shear connection is longer than 15∙d

the shear capacity is multiplied by the factor βLF = 1 - ( (L1 - 15∙d)/200∙d )

Bearing resistance at recommended spacing: (e1 = 2.0∙d and p1 = 3.5∙d – see Table 14.1) ,     Fb.Rd = 1.0∙fudt

Tension resistance ,     Ft.Rd = 0.9∙fub∙As / (γMb)

Combined shear and tension resistance ,     (Fv,Sd/FvRd ) + Ft,Sd/( 1.4∙Ft.Rd ) ≤ 1.0

Reduction factor βp when using bolts through packings , βp = 9∙d / ( 8∙d + 3∙tp ) , but βp ≤ 1.0 whose thickness is greater than d/3

Table 14.3 Nominal yield strength and ultimate strengths for bolts
(used as characteristic values in calculations)
Bolt grade ,                  4.6     8.8     10.9
Yield fy, N/mm2          240     640     900
Ultimate fy N/mm2     400     800     1000

Table 14.4 Nominal yield strength and ultimate strengths for steel
Steel grade        t ≤ 40mm ,           40mm < t ≤ 100mm
                yield fy   ultimate fu     yield fy   ultimate fu
                       N/mm2     N/mm2     N/mm2     N/mm2
S 275                 275     430                 255     410
S 355                 355     510                 335     490
Note: t is the nominal thickness of the element

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