from Eqs. 6.10, 6.10a or 6.10b of EN1990

ΣγG,j∙Gk,j + γQ,1∙Qk,1 + ΣγQ,i∙ψ0,i∙Qk,i
Gk,j        Permanent actions e.g., weight of steel and concrete; soil
Qk,1        Leading variable action
Qk,i        Accompanying variable actions

ψ : combinations factors
Details for γ and ψ in EN 1990: 2002. (see below)


Partial factors for actions γ :
Unfavourable conditions:
Permanent action (G) / Dead load (DL) :        1.35
Variable action (Q) / Imposed load (IL) :        1.5

Favourable conditions:
Permanent action (G) / Dead load (DL) :        1.0
Variable action (Q) / Imposed load (IL) :        0


Accident Limit State
Ed = γG∙Gk + γ∙Ad + ψ1∙Qk,1 + ψ2∙Qk,2
Ad = accidental action
Qk,1 = leading variable action (e.g., imposed load)
Qk,2 = accompany variable load (e.g., temperature load)
γ = 1.0 for accidental event
ψi = reduction factors for accompany variables, see (Table NA.A1.1 in EC0)


Values of ψ0,i are found in *NA to SS EN 1990: 2008+A1: 2010):
Action        ψ0
Imposed loads
Category A: domestic, residential areas :        0.7
Category B: office areas :        0.7
Category C: congregation areas :        0.7
Category D: shopping areas :        0.7
Category E: storage areas :        1.0
Category H: roofs :        0.7
*For MRT use Category C: congregation areas , ψ0 = 0.7
Wind loads on buildings :        0.5
Temperature :        0.6


Example of Accident Limit State Load Combinations

Ed = γG∙Gk + γ∙Ad + ψ1∙Qk,1 + ψ2∙Qk,2
(near MRT Station : use Congregation area for ψ1 and ψ2 )

Leading variable : Imposed load (IL)
Ed = Self Weight + Strut Force + 1.0∙Ad + 0.7∙IL + 0∙Temperature

Leading variable : Temperature load (IL)
Ed = Self Weight + Strut Force + 1.0∙Ad + 0.5∙Temperature + 0.6∙IL

Gk = Self Weight + Strut Force
Ad = accidental load (such as impact or one strut removal)
Qk,1= leading variable action (e.g., imposed load)
Qk,2= accompany variable (e.g., temperature load)

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